Before you use your credit/debt card.
Before you use your debit/credit card make sure you look at the device your putting it in.
Google Assistant on Windows, Mac and Linux?!
Here are some great apps that will help you get your mac running faster. 1. Software Ambience Daisy Disk 4 MSRP: $9.99 No one ever said tracking down and eliminating all the stuff that was devouring space on your Mac would be pleasant, but DaisyDisk succeeds in making it pretty simple and actually somewhat fun. DaisyDisk is…
Original article found at How to Stop Windows 10 From Spying on You You bought it, but you still paying for it… Windows 10 collects more information about the user than any previous version of Windows, and it’s impossible to turn it off completely. After the initial release in 2015, Microsoft faced over two…
Microsoft account A Microsoft account gives you access to Microsoft products and services with just one login. Here’s how to set one up: Go to, select Sign in, and then choose Create one! If you’d rather create a new email address, choose Get a new email address, choose Next, and then follow the instructions. Watch Video: What is a Microsoft…
These MacBooks DIED from SSD Failure & How To Prevent It
Well it is done and we are open. You can find us at 26477 72nd ave nw stanwood wa 98292 So far so good we have had several new clients come in mostly for system cleanings and OS reinstalls. I am having a blast doing what I do and fixing computer making videos and creating…