Don’t Get Scammed.
Look at these scams and learn what to avoid. Don’t fall for it! Don’t Get Scammed.

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10 simple tips to avoid getting suckered.
Look at these scams and learn what to avoid. Don’t fall for it! Don’t Get Scammed.
10 simple tips to avoid getting suckered.
Here are some great apps that will help you get your mac running faster. 1. Software Ambience Daisy Disk 4 MSRP: $9.99 No one ever said tracking down and eliminating all the stuff that was devouring space on your Mac would be pleasant, but DaisyDisk succeeds in making it pretty simple and actually somewhat fun. DaisyDisk is…
Google Assistant on Windows, Mac and Linux?!
These MacBooks DIED from SSD Failure & How To Prevent It
Before you use your debit/credit card make sure you look at the device your putting it in.
After many years and a lot of computers I have to say these freebies are some of my favorite tools and I use them on every machine I clean. C Cleaner or Crap Cleaner is an amazing tool and works great. You can get the free version by clicking this link FREE and I give…
Since I have opened my door 1 week ago I have had several clients come in that have fallen in part or completely for this scam. Most intrusions are not viruses they are people that YOU ACTUALLY CALLED!!! Did you get a notification that you have viruses and malware and you need to contact some…